Our mission is to provide fiduciary and personal services to the highest applicable standard of care. Our services are aimed at optimizing the welfare and dignity of the individual. We believe every client deserves individualized service, tailored to their needs and preferences, and we work closely with the client to accomplish this.
As a professional fiduciary, it is our duty to handle our clients’ affairs with the same attention and care we would give our own and to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest. GSS most often provides services within the context of specific legal arrangements, governed by the terms of a formal document such as a trust, a will, a power of attorney, a court order, or a service agreement. We strive within the authority we are given to make the best decisions for our clients and include our clients and their families as much as possible in decision-making.
Our diverse team of professionals includes Certified Professional Guardians, CPAs, and other experienced individuals with expertise in fiduciary services. Drawing on decades of experience, our professionals have the range to assist clients with everything from day-to-day financial and care management to urgent, dynamic, and complex situations.